Reiki Training Courses

Do you feel drawn to reiki? Is the thought of training in reiki or having a reiki attunement really of interest to you all of a sudden? Do you have alternative spooky and cool ‘spiritual’ friends too? Are you an interested little tribe of open minded spiritual seekers, curious about the universe and it’s powers?

Is it time, right now in your life, to develop your own spiritual abilities, reiki healing or psychic abilities?  If you are looking to take your first reiki course and attunement at level 1, or perhaps to the next levels, level 2, Master or Teacher level, how exciting! You’ve come to the right place baby!

Shauna is proud to follow the long and successful tradition of ‘re-awakening’ the healing hands energy by teaching and handing down the energy in the traditional & true Usui way, in person by touching the hands, and offers one to one in-depth and exclusive private 3 hour learning experiences for those with a burning desire to learn this incredible gift and a natural way of healing. This doesn’t mean you can’t bring a trusted cool friend or two with you however to share the experience! Up to 4 people can take part as well. For each additional person, you all get discounts too as a thankyou for sharing your learning experiences and helping each other upgrade your spiritual development together!

Shauna will train you in how to easily and naturally be a channel for the reiki and you will feel reiki flowing (often for the first time!) and use the reiki energy as a natural reiki healer & practitioner.

On the Reiki Level 1 training course, after the workshop you will be able to:

*Give this healing energy to others and pick up energies in friends and family (telling you important information about different aspects of emotional, physical, sexual and spiritual health).
*Receive a powerful reiki attunement that creates a beautiful connection with the reiki energy for life.
*Practice with confidence at level one
*Understand what chakras are
*Understand what each chakra is responsible for, and how to tell if they are not balanced
*Learn how to balance chakras and align the chakras
*Know ethically when to offer reiki and when it is not appropriate
*Trust your instincts more and get in touch with your aligned self
*Join the Sheffield reiki ‘Shining Light Circle’ so you have continued support and peer mentoring. You will be supported in continuing your learning experience in this field, make valuable friendships with other new and experienced South Yorkshire Reiki Healers and practitioners who are meeting up, and be encouraged to continue to develop, learn about new techniques and tools relevant to the field and expand your practice & skills in reiki.

On the Reiki Level Two training course, after the workshop you will be able to:

*Receive & correctly use the powerful reiki sacred symbols
*Learn and explore more advanced chakra work, including (but not limited to) chakra rhythms, colours & combinations
*Discover when not to give reiki
*explore how to send distance healing
*Receive another powerful attunement opening up the capacity to harness more energy.
*Gain the knowledge and understanding of how and where you can set up and what to charge *Gain insurance with this certificate & practice on the public*.
(*Shauna’s courses are certified at level two & above to gain insurance, allowing you to set up a business should you wish to enjoy this wonderful work and create an additional income for you).

Becoming a Reiki Master

Shauna Naylor Reiki Healer

As a certified and trusted well known and loved Reiki Master Healer and Teacher, Shauna can enjoy the privilege of attuning members of the public, reiki practitioners & therapists to become ethical and successful Masters of Reiki, at the most advanced and competent level (level 3 reiki training master course).
Reiki is so useful in helping support the physical, emotional, sexual and spiritual aspects of the whole person, it’s therefore a perfect complement to many professions and for people to use in their personal lives as well.

Shauna crucially offers reiki training courses that are both practical, grounding and inspiring in these powerful intense workshops, as well as live demos and in-depth teaching and tutoring on chakras and chakra balancing.

What’s this ‘attunement’ I have to have with each reiki course level?

The Reiki attunements are a ritual that has been passed down from Mikao Usui who named reiki back in 1820. Put simple, it’s a ceremony and prayer that moves the energy from the practitioner into the reiki student through thier hands, heart and head.

The attunements also promote a deeper personal well-being and transformation that ‘unlocks’ a tremendous surge in contentment, growth and development for the trainee who wants to learn reiki.

All reiki training workshops are 3 hours long because in this busy world, when people have children and jobs, accessing high quality intensive one to one learning is rare and wonderful. I have always received the highest feedback and gratitude on how ultra distilled this course is from my 13 years of full time practice in reiki healing. I have taken only what is really super helpful and unique to healing into this training and kept out filler exercises, hotel costs, group practicing that takes ages to get through everyone and just followed Dr. Mikao Usui’s original instructions to pass it from palm to palm, teacher to student to unlock the reiki healing energy capabilities.

Students are required to go through a 21 day period after their attunement where they ‘give something up or do something demonstrative everyday’ as a way of showing their gratitude to the universe. Examples others have chosen to respect this exchange, have been giving up chocolate, alcohol, TV or adding in working out everyday, doing a yoga 21 day challenge or keeping a journal for 21 days. Please check with Shauna about your ideas if you’re not sure what could work for you.

The relaxing location

As standard, these beautiful 3 hour intensive workshops are delivered one to one in a relaxed tranquil space with Shauna, for the most powerful & authentic learning method possible, for your complete, unrushed & supportive learning. This can create an incredibly deep ‘shift’ in people, & a new sense of calm confidence and inner peace and happiness. Students love this experience and are supported after the workshop by Shauna, always having a genuine friend just a call away if they experience some curious changes in a client or family member after giving them reiki!

Based at a relaxing bungalow nestled in between the river Sheaf and pointon woods, and just off abbeydale road, Sheffield (S17 3LW) is easy to enjoy. There is plenty of parking available right outside the accessible property and a bench to sit on during the summer right next to the river. Simple drive over the little white bridge and park somewhere on the left.

Feel free to read some testimonies from past beautiful apprentices who’ve attended the one to one courses (it opens in a new window) – over at the Health and Healing Facebook page here: 🙂

How much does the reiki training cost? What are the reiki course fees?

Reiki Level 1 & 2 training are £280 each. Also, if you or up to 3 friends are interested in learning together as a little group, you all get extra discounts too! ✨

Reiki Master level is £500. Additional optional extra study time is available in Karuna reiki energy, with extra symbols and applications for healing at an add on price of £60.

All levels have on going support and guidance, with opportunities for continuing your healing both professionally and in shares across South Yorkshire should you feel the pull.

Ready to message Shauna?

In your message, if you can share what level you’re at, and what you’d like to learn (your specific interest in working with reiki) and the level you want to be attuned at (beginner – 1, experienced – 2, Master practitioner – 3, Teacher – 4 or Refresh / gain experience) you’ll receive a personal email back from Shauna about the one to one in-depth reiki training, availability and much more!

We look forwards to meeting you if Reiki has inspired you to get learning and healing now!

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Health and Healing (Shauna), thanks for the reiki. The treatment was such a pamper when I was beginning to feel like an elephant just before she was born!! It was absolutely amazing, never felt so relaxed and happy. I actually felt myself healing and relaxing. Will be coming back for more and recommending you to all my friends!
Reiki Health & Healing
Health and Healing (Shauna), thanks for the reiki. The treatment was such a pamper when I was beginning to feel like an elephant just before she was born!! It was absolutely amazing, never felt so relaxed and happy. I actually felt myself healing and relaxing. Will be coming back for more and recommending you to all my friends!

Mr. Longshaw

I just wanted to share my experience of healing with you because I was very sceptical of reiki when it was suggested to me as being particularly good for joint problems and physical conditions. I have to say, it’s brilliant. I’ve found myself actually recommending it to others, because my eczema is better than it’s ever been and my arthritis in my elbows and wrists has all but gone.
Reiki Health & Healing
I just wanted to share my experience of healing with you because I was very sceptical of reiki when it was suggested to me as being particularly good for joint problems and physical conditions. I have to say, it’s brilliant. I’ve found myself actually recommending it to others, because my eczema is better than it’s ever been and my arthritis in my elbows and wrists has all but gone.

Judith Watkins

Shauna Naylor is a miracle worker! I took my son to see her for hypnotherapy. Within 5 visits he had transformed from an anxious, school-refusenik child into a happy and confident little boy.

I was so impressed that I booked in for some sessions myself.

Shauna can offer many different modalities, depending on what she feels will benefit you the best. Her reiki healing is extremely powerful and she makes you feel safe and at ease.

As a result of my working with Shauna I have transformed my life, changed my job and written a novel!

In the current climate Shauna is even able to offer helpful and effective sessions on line. I highly recommend her services!

Judith Watkins

Reiki Health & Healing

Judith Watkins

Shauna Naylor is a miracle worker! I took my son to see her for hypnotherapy. Within 5 visits he had transformed from an anxious, school-refusenik child into a happy and confident little boy. I was so impressed that I booked in for some sessions myself. Shauna can offer many different modalities, depending on what she feels will benefit you the best. Her reiki healing is extremely powerful and she makes you feel safe and at ease. As a result of my working with Shauna I have transformed my life, changed my job and written a novel! In the current climate Shauna is even able to offer helpful and effective sessions on line. I highly recommend her services!


Shauna is a natural healer, she is very good at reiki. Her hands get really hot during treatments when I'm laying on the therapy bed and it feels tingly and relaxing. The room is lovely too. It's a really nice time that I always look forwards to. I'm so glad I have discovered the treatment and Shauna is lovely. Very good.
Reiki Health & Healing
Shauna is a natural healer, she is very good at reiki. Her hands get really hot during treatments when I'm laying on the therapy bed and it feels tingly and relaxing. The room is lovely too. It's a really nice time that I always look forwards to. I'm so glad I have discovered the treatment and Shauna is lovely. Very good.

Harry P

Hi there, I had reiki 3 months ago and was feeling very emotional and upset to do with a relationship breakdown. The reiki felt really reassuring and safe, and I felt better shortly afterwards, more balanced.

When you placed your hands on my knees you said you ‘saw’ a huge ship? well guess what? I just wanted to let you know I have begun a relationship (‘out of the blue’ lol) with an old friend of mine who would you believe it, is now working on a big ocean liner! thankyoooooooooooou! It was magic!
Reiki Health & Healing
Hi there, I had reiki 3 months ago and was feeling very emotional and upset to do with a relationship breakdown. The reiki felt really reassuring and safe, and I felt better shortly afterwards, more balanced. When you placed your hands on my knees you said you ‘saw’ a huge ship? well guess what? I just wanted to let you know I have begun a relationship (‘out of the blue’ lol) with an old friend of mine who would you believe it, is now working on a big ocean liner! thankyoooooooooooou! It was magic!
Reiki Health & Healing

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