Shauna Naylor stands smiling happily in her relaxing reiki treatment room in SheffieldIn today’s fast-paced world, anxiety and stress are like unwelcome companions, leaving many seeking solace beyond conventional methods. Enter Reiki, an ancient Japanese healing practice that promises to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance emotional well-being. But is it merely a gentle touch, or does the science hold something more profound? Let’s delve deeper and discover why Reiki might be the missing piece in your mental wellness puzzle.

Reiki: Beyond the Mystique

Reiki, meaning “universal life energy,” operates on the principle of channeling this energy through a practitioner’s hands, either lightly placed on or held above specific points on the recipient’s body. While it doesn’t claim to diagnose or cure, it aims to restore balance within the energy field, promoting a sense of peace and well-being. Skeptics might dismiss it as placebo, but research paints a different picture.

The Science of Serenity: Evidence Speaks

A 2018 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine investigated the impact of Reiki on anxiety and depression in college students facing exam stress. The results were promising: the Reiki group reported significantly lower anxiety scores compared to the control group, suggesting its potential as a stress-reduction tool.

Another study published in Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing delved into the effects of Reiki on chronic pain and emotional distress in cancer patients. The findings revealed a decrease in pain, anxiety, and depression after Reiki sessions, highlighting its potential to improve quality of life for those facing challenging health conditions.

Beyond the Numbers: Personal Transformations

While statistics offer a glimpse, the true impact of Reiki often lies in personal experiences. Sarah, a busy entrepreneur, shared, “Reiki helped me navigate overwhelming stress. It brought a sense of calm I hadn’t experienced in years, allowing me to approach challenges with a clearer mind and lighter heart.”

John, who struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder, found solace in Reiki. “It’s not a magic cure, but over a few sessions it offered a safe space to process emotions and release a lot pf pent-up tension that had been holding me back,” he said. “The gentle touch and acceptance, talking things through and the calming energy – it just all helped me feel more grounded and hopeful.”

Unveiling the Mechanisms: More Than Just Relaxation

So, how does Reiki work its magic? Research suggests it might influence the nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress hormones like cortisol. It could also stimulate the release of endorphins, natural mood-boosters. Moreover, the therapeutic touch and focused attention during a session might create a sense of safety and connection, fostering true emotional well-being.

Is Reiki for Everyone? Exploring the Caveats

While Reiki offers promising benefits, it’s crucial to remember it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. It should be considered as a complementary therapy alongside, not in place of, conventional medical treatment for mental health concerns. Luckily some practitioners like myself are experienced in both areas and can support that. It’s always worth you running your own checks on that. Additionally, finding a qualified and experienced practitioner is a whole other ball game. How long have they been doing it? Is it their main career? What are their qualifications in supporting mental health? These are all key to maximizing the potential benefits.

A Final Note: A Path to Inner Peace

In conclusion, Reiki offers a unique and potentially powerful approach to enhancing mental well-being. It’s backed by research and supported by countless personal testimonies. While not a miracle cure, it can serve as a valuable tool for managing stress, promoting relaxation, and fostering emotional balance. So, if you’re seeking a path to inner peace, consider exploring the world of Reiki. Remember, the journey to mental wellness is unique, and sometimes, the most profound healing comes from the gentlest touch.

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Harry P

Hi there, I had reiki 3 months ago and was feeling very emotional and upset to do with a relationship breakdown. The reiki felt really reassuring and safe, and I felt better shortly afterwards, more balanced.

When you placed your hands on my knees you said you ‘saw’ a huge ship? well guess what? I just wanted to let you know I have begun a relationship (‘out of the blue’ lol) with an old friend of mine who would you believe it, is now working on a big ocean liner! thankyoooooooooooou! It was magic!
Reiki Health & Healing
Hi there, I had reiki 3 months ago and was feeling very emotional and upset to do with a relationship breakdown. The reiki felt really reassuring and safe, and I felt better shortly afterwards, more balanced. When you placed your hands on my knees you said you ‘saw’ a huge ship? well guess what? I just wanted to let you know I have begun a relationship (‘out of the blue’ lol) with an old friend of mine who would you believe it, is now working on a big ocean liner! thankyoooooooooooou! It was magic!


Shauna is a natural healer, she is very good at reiki. Her hands get really hot during treatments when I'm laying on the therapy bed and it feels tingly and relaxing. The room is lovely too. It's a really nice time that I always look forwards to. I'm so glad I have discovered the treatment and Shauna is lovely. Very good.
Reiki Health & Healing
Shauna is a natural healer, she is very good at reiki. Her hands get really hot during treatments when I'm laying on the therapy bed and it feels tingly and relaxing. The room is lovely too. It's a really nice time that I always look forwards to. I'm so glad I have discovered the treatment and Shauna is lovely. Very good.


Health and Healing (Shauna), thanks for the reiki. The treatment was such a pamper when I was beginning to feel like an elephant just before she was born!! It was absolutely amazing, never felt so relaxed and happy. I actually felt myself healing and relaxing. Will be coming back for more and recommending you to all my friends!
Reiki Health & Healing
Health and Healing (Shauna), thanks for the reiki. The treatment was such a pamper when I was beginning to feel like an elephant just before she was born!! It was absolutely amazing, never felt so relaxed and happy. I actually felt myself healing and relaxing. Will be coming back for more and recommending you to all my friends!

Judith Watkins

Shauna Naylor is a miracle worker! I took my son to see her for hypnotherapy. Within 5 visits he had transformed from an anxious, school-refusenik child into a happy and confident little boy.

I was so impressed that I booked in for some sessions myself.

Shauna can offer many different modalities, depending on what she feels will benefit you the best. Her reiki healing is extremely powerful and she makes you feel safe and at ease.

As a result of my working with Shauna I have transformed my life, changed my job and written a novel!

In the current climate Shauna is even able to offer helpful and effective sessions on line. I highly recommend her services!

Judith Watkins

Reiki Health & Healing

Judith Watkins

Shauna Naylor is a miracle worker! I took my son to see her for hypnotherapy. Within 5 visits he had transformed from an anxious, school-refusenik child into a happy and confident little boy. I was so impressed that I booked in for some sessions myself. Shauna can offer many different modalities, depending on what she feels will benefit you the best. Her reiki healing is extremely powerful and she makes you feel safe and at ease. As a result of my working with Shauna I have transformed my life, changed my job and written a novel! In the current climate Shauna is even able to offer helpful and effective sessions on line. I highly recommend her services!

Mr. Longshaw

I just wanted to share my experience of healing with you because I was very sceptical of reiki when it was suggested to me as being particularly good for joint problems and physical conditions. I have to say, it’s brilliant. I’ve found myself actually recommending it to others, because my eczema is better than it’s ever been and my arthritis in my elbows and wrists has all but gone.
Reiki Health & Healing
I just wanted to share my experience of healing with you because I was very sceptical of reiki when it was suggested to me as being particularly good for joint problems and physical conditions. I have to say, it’s brilliant. I’ve found myself actually recommending it to others, because my eczema is better than it’s ever been and my arthritis in my elbows and wrists has all but gone.
Reiki Health & Healing

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