Reiki Healing Treatments
What is Reiki Healing?
Visiting a reiki healing expert can enable you to channel your bio-electrical energy via yourself to boost the energy centres in the physical body and mind, these are known as chakras. The healing treatment relieves a person of the negative energy they are carrying – including stress, confusion, physical pain, sadness and anxiety – making them feel relaxed; comforted; warm and tingly, improving their spiritual wellbeing.
How can reiki benefit?
How about you too?
Spiritual Development
Using Reiki for Spiritual Development
Heal and strengthen you
After the healing progress has taken place - The 3 exciting days after!
The most fascinating part of the healing for some people, is often the few days that follow it. Not only is it important to drink plenty of water to rehydrate and help clear your system of released toxins, it’s important to keep a record of your days after receiving healing.
Some of the things clients have reported to me are: bizarre coincidences occur more frequently, scans have come back clearer, aches and strains reduce or disappear, libido and physical energy returns more than they’ve experienced in a while, sudden motivations for things they liked in childhood, certain internal growths can sometimes change pattern for the better, pain reduces or passion increases…sometimes it’s simply that clients report feeling ‘a lot more like myself again’ and these are all successes.
I ask all my clients to keep a mini diary for a few days after to observe any strange things, coincidences, signs or differences in their lives or conditions as it often happens after and people don’t always remember all the many things they noticed so it’s a good record for a catch up session or chat after!
Healing treatments can lead to all sorts of exciting or unusual developments in your life… what will you experience? Try a reiki healing treatment now!
Click here or read more about reiki healing below.
What if I have real physical pain or don't believe in God / angels / energy?
First of all, you don’t need to believe in anything in particular to enjoy and get all the benefits of healing from someone who channels it. If you book a session, you book it for a reason. That reason is good enough!
I always advise,
“If you want to get better and other standard approaches don’t seem to be working for you – why not try the powerful, completely safe, natural and ancient style of healing health? It was built on thousands of years of practice and strong evidence. You be your own judge; When it helps how you feel – you’ll believe in it.”
Simple as that!
The reiki treatments are very relaxing, and in the majority of cases, people report better sleep, deeper comfort and other benefits to their situation or condition very soon after a session.
Some people find they only need one to kick start their immune system again.
Others come regularly every 2-3 weeks and find it helps their bodies with managing conditions so they don’t interfere with their daily living as much. Others choose to come once every 3 months or so for a pampering ‘natural health boost & alignment’ and detoxing effect.
My whole purpose is to help people, to help share health & happiness so people can appreciate again that there is more to life than ‘settling’ with a current not-as-good-as-you-want-it-to-be life. I care deeply about the work I do and believe the most important basic need for all of us is to enjoy good health and wellbeing and to share this toolkit with others whilst we’re here!
To get the best chance of finding what you’re looking for – be it better health, mood, energy or outlook, I would keep an open mind about what solutions are available and sample healing. It’s been around thousands of years for a reason and it will be around thousands more…thousands of people who didn’t believe in it at first do now (I include myself in this category) and it’s all because they experienced it first hand!
Many clients often feel annoyed that they didn’t try the healing sooner! Most clients I’ve worked with rave about it enthusiastically, recommending it to their friends and family soon after. It spreads; and unlike strong chemical drugs or invasive procedures that many people face because they feel they have to, this is a totally safe and natural alternative.
Please don’t worry that because you can’t see it, it might be ‘hocus pocus’ – it’s quite the contrary and I pray it gives HOPE back to some people along with health benefits to you all!
What healing can't always heal. Understanding difficult choices and experiences.
Because it comes from a higher intuitive source, the energy will work for our best interests only and will not intervene on some things if it’s destined that the person for some reason will need to experience it. It seems a bit unfair sometimes, but the effects are amazing for some people literally changing their current health with a few sessions, and for others their symptoms reduce, their confidence improves, but their overall health issue remains, still affecting their physical health.
We each have extremely hard things that we have to experience in life and each have hard lessons to learn and practice. Healing will almost always offer improvement or the reducing of symptoms in these cases even if the main cause remains, as the higher source understands when a situation or illness is becoming too much for the person and it wants to help in whatever ways it’s permitted to do.
The difficult choice some people face is in taking the chance on healing; with serious conditions it could have a large positive impact on mental and physical health, or a little positive impact which may be more harm than good for someone who is not coping very well with their situation.
It’s extremely important to keep perspective until after the initial couple of sessions to avoid this and also to really benefit from the relaxation of the sessions as well. The effects could range from empowering huge cascading changes, working on re-balancing the mind or the chakras to allow good energy flow in the client, to working on reducing symptoms or working quite intensely on a specific targeted internal area of the body.
I can only bring forth the healing from the higher source for your health, not influence it unfortunately, no matter how much I wish I could sometimes (Be wary of anyone who says they can!!!).
Rest assured, good things are sent even if the energy sometimes works in different ways to what we ask for (see the positive testimonials page for more on this).
Book yourself or a loved one in need of a pick-me-up a relaxing, luxury re-balancing reiki healing treatment now and see what all the fuss is about!Your session is just £60 for an hour of luxurious full healing.
What are you waiting for? Book in now this week and enjoy your own relaxing & pampering treatment! Click here to book yours now!