Spiritual Development Meet Up Group In Sheffield

books, herbs and crystals adorn a relaxing therapy room

It’s good to be a part of a community. It feels good when you’re able to talk to other people about spiritual stuff and spiritual practices and rituals without feeling like a weirdo! It’s nice to make new friends and to feel safe being yourself. If you’re in or around Sheffield, South Yorkshire and looking to better yourself and get involved in a positive group, we might be for you!

Being spiritual and open-minded in this world can be hard, sometimes this world can be a cold and difficult place. Therefore it’s good to be able to rely upon others and reach out to others who feel the same way; empathic people, compassionate people, people who might have other stuff going on as well (hey, none of us are saints) but still value a ‘positive’ frame of mind this is what the Shining Lights Circle is all about.

Shining Lights Sheffield is a community of like-minded individuals where the focus is on understanding and believing in a universe made up of energy, an energy that’s all around us, that connects us all and that we can (with training and practice) tap into using to create healing for each other. It’s a chance to come out and play, to experiment with healing herbs, smudge sticks, spiritual teas, chakra work, shadow work, reiki healing, tarot, meditation, mindfulness, working with mother earth, psychometry, developing psychic abilities and intuition and falling about laughing with each other making friends. If this sounds up your street, please follow us on facebook (Shining Light Circle Sheffield reiki group) so you can see our posts and ask to join our Whatsapp thread to keep up to date! 

1 thought on “Spiritual Development Meet Up Group In Sheffield”

  1. sarah spencer

    Hello, i wondered if you are still doing meet ups? I am a spiritual person and am looking for my community to talk and express all spiritual things. I shall look forward to hearing from you.
    Many thanks

    Sarah Spencer

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