SoulStarHealer Crystals

So those of you who have come along for a reiki healing treatment or a psychic reading session or tarot reading have no doubt clocked eyes on my love of crystals and the crystals for sale in my therapy space.

I love selling crystals, but am almost a ‘secret’ seller you can buy crystals from, as my clients and friends often (unfairly) get first dibs as I don’t often market them other than listing some crystals for sale here on Instagram and occasionally the health and healing Sheffield Facebook.

As a UK crystal seller however, it is time I update myself and develop a site or shop that can bring this multiverse of hidden, affordable sparkly beauties to you, my friends online… wherever you are in Britain or Europe so you can enjoy them! And for my secret crystal obsessed Sheffield crew, I’ve still got your back!

With a range of smudge sticks, natural palo santo and mother earth’s treasures amongst the crystals, there’s always some treats to get your hands (and souls) on!

Dendritic agates, quartz, rose quartz, lots of incredible blue, green and purple fluorites, flashy labradorites and real citrines are some of my favourites to sell, but I am also over flowing with pretty smoky amethysts and a plethora of other regular and rare crystal beauties! I’m working on the site, but in the meantime, give me a shout on here if you want to buy crystals and there’s something special you are looking for. I might have something EXTRA special for you, in my crystal corner!

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